Get all the ‘BB’ Icons with 50% OFF
3 complete image packs (BB-01, BB-02, BB-03) PNG and vector format
plus Font pack (BB-04) desktop + webfonts
Price : €40
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This special bundle includes all the following products:
Weather Icon Set : BB-01 (€20)
Weather Icon Set : BB-02 (€20)
Weather Icon Set : BB-03 (€20)
Weather Icon Font : BB-04 (€20)
TOTAL : €80 (if sold separately)
Weather Icon Set : BB-01
Weather Icon Set : BB-02
Weather Icon Set : BB-03
Weather Icon Font : BB-04
These icons have been designed to capture the flavour of the classic BBC weather symbols, but have been created from scratch, with a number of significant variations to the strokes, size, positioning, and colour of the various elements.
Product details (BB-01, BB-02, BB-03)
Formats : PNG (4 sets), SVG (1 set)
Background : transparent
Dimensions : 4 complete PNG sets (92 images in each set): 64×64 pixels, 128×128 pixels, 256×256 pixels and 512×512 pixels. The vector set (SVG format) has a nominal size of 512×512 pixels and can be scaled up or down to any size.
Weather icons : 1. sunny, 2. sunny intervals, 3. white cloud, 4. black low cloud, 5. hazy sun, 6. mist, 7. fog, 8. clear sky (night), 9. light rain showers, 10. heavy rain showers, 11. light snow showers, 12. heavy snow showers, 13. sleet showers, 14. light hail showers, 15. heavy hail showers, 16. thundery showers, 17. cloudy with light rain, 18. cloudy with heavy rain, 19. cloudy with light snow, 20. cloudy with heavy snow, 21. cloudy with sleet, 22. cloudy with light hail, 23. cloudy with heavy hail, 24. thunderstorms, 25. light rain showers (night), 26. heavy rain showers (night), 27. light snow showers (night), 28. heavy snow showers (night), 29. sleet showers (night), 30. light hail showers (night), 31. heavy hail showers (night), 32. thundery showers (night), 33. cloudy with light rain (night), 34. cloudy with heavy rain (night), 35. cloudy with light snow (night), 36. cloudy with heavy snow (night), 37. cloudy with sleet (night), 38. cloudy with light hail (night), 39. cloudy with heavy hail (night), 40. thunderstorms (night), 41. partly cloudy (night), 42. cloudy (night), 43. mostly cloudy, 44. mostly cloudy (night), 45. hot, 46. cold, 47. freezing fog, 48. drizzle, 49. freezing drizzle, 50. freezing rain, 51. extreme rain, 52. extreme snow, 53. blowing snow, 54. blizzard, 55. smoke, 56. dust / sand, 57. thundery snow showers, 58. thunderstorms with snow, 59. thunderstorms with hail, 60. windy, 61. hot (night), 62. cold (night), 63. mist (night), 64. fog (night), 65. freezing fog (night), 66. drizzle (night), 67. freezing drizzle (night), 68. freezing rain (night), 69. extreme rain (night), 70. extreme snow (night), 71. blowing snow (night), 72. blizzard (night), 73. smoke (night), 74. dust / sand (night), 75. thundery snow showers (night), 76. thunderstorms with snow (night), 77. thunderstorms with hail (night), 78. windy (night), 79. tornado, 80. tropical storm / hurricane, 81. heavy drizzle, 82. heavy drizzle (night), 83. heavy freezing drizzle, 84. heavy freezing drizzle (night), 85. extreme rain showers, 86. extreme rain showers (night), 87. heavy sleet showers, 88. heavy sleet showers (night), 89. heavy sleet, 90. heavy sleet (night), 91. volcanic ash, 999. null/unknown
Product details (BB-04 FONT)
Formats (desktop font) : TrueType & OpenType + glyph guide (.txt)
Formats (WebFont Kit) : .eot, .svg, .ttf, .woff + CSS stylesheet and glyph guide (HTML)
Weather icon glyph guide
! | ! | sunny |
" | “ | sunny intervals |
# | # | white cloud |
$ | $ | black low cloud |
% | % | hazy sun |
& | & | mist |
' | ‘ | fog |
( | ( | clear sky (night) |
) | ) | light rain showers |
* | * | heavy rain showers |
+ | + | light snow showers |
, | , | heavy snow showers |
- | – | sleet showers |
. | . | light hail showers |
/ | / | heavy hail showers |
0 | 0 | thundery showers |
1 | 1 | cloudy with light rain |
2 | 2 | cloudy with heavy rain |
3 | 3 | cloudy with light snow |
4 | 4 | cloudy with heavy snow |
5 | 5 | cloudy with sleet |
6 | 6 | cloudy with light hail |
7 | 7 | cloudy with heavy hail |
8 | 8 | thunderstorms |
9 | 9 | light rain showers (night) |
: | : | heavy rain showers (night) |
; | ; | light snow showers (night) |
< | < | heavy snow showers (night) |
= | = | sleet showers (night) |
> | > | light hail showers (night) |
? | ? | heavy hail showers (night) |
@ | @ | thundery showers (night) |
A | A | cloudy with light rain (night) |
B | B | cloudy with heavy rain (night) |
C | C | cloudy with light snow (night) |
D | D | cloudy with heavy snow (night) |
E | E | cloudy with sleet (night) |
F | F | cloudy with light hail (night) |
G | G | cloudy with heavy hail (night) |
H | H | thunderstorms (night) |
I | I | partly cloudy (night) |
J | J | cloudy (night) |
K | K | mostly cloudy |
L | L | mostly cloudy (night) |
M | M | hot |
N | N | cold |
O | O | freezing fog |
P | P | drizzle |
Q | Q | freezing drizzle |
R | R | freezing rain |
S | S | extreme rain |
T | T | extreme snow |
U | U | blowing snow |
V | V | blizzard |
W | W | smoke |
X | X | dust / sand |
Y | Y | thundery snow showers |
Z | Z | thunderstorms with snow |
[ | [ | thunderstorms with hail |
\ | \ | windy |
] | ] | hot (night) |
^ | ^ | cold (night) |
_ | _ | mist (night) |
` | ` | fog (night) |
a | a | freezing fog (night) |
b | b | drizzle (night) |
c | c | freezing drizzle (night) |
d | d | freezing rain (night) |
e | e | extreme rain (night) |
f | f | extreme snow (night) |
g | g | blowing snow (night) |
h | h | blizzard (night) |
i | i | smoke (night) |
j | j | dust / sand (night) |
k | k | thundery snow showers (night) |
l | l | thunderstorms with snow (night) |
m | m | thunderstorms with hail (night) |
n | n | windy (night) |
o | o | tornado |
p | p | tropical storm / hurricane |
q | q | heavy drizzle |
r | r | heavy drizzle (night) |
s | s | heavy freezing drizzle |
t | t | heavy freezing drizzle (night) |
u | u | extreme rain showers |
v | v | extreme rain showers (night) |
w | w | heavy sleet showers |
x | x | heavy_sleet showers (night) |
y | y | heavy sleet |
z | z | heavy sleet (night) |
{ | { | volcanic_ash |
| | | | unknown / unavailable |
World Weather Online Condition Codes
WWO_code | HTML_number_(day) | HTML_number_(night) |
113 | ! | ( |
116 | " | I |
119 | # | L |
122 | $ | J |
143 | & | _ |
176 | ) | 9 |
179 | + | ; |
182 | - | = |
185 | Q | c |
200 | 0 | @ |
227 | U | g |
230 | V | h |
248 | ' | ` |
260 | O | a |
263 | P | b |
266 | P | b |
281 | Q | c |
284 | s | t |
293 | ) | 9 |
296 | 1 | A |
299 | ) | 9 |
302 | 1 | A |
305 | * | : |
308 | 2 | B |
311 | R | d |
314 | R | d |
317 | 5 | E |
320 | 5 | E |
323 | + | ; |
326 | 3 | C |
329 | + | ; |
332 | 3 | C |
335 | , | ; |
338 | 4 | D |
350 | 6 | F |
353 | ) | 9 |
356 | * | : |
359 | u | v |
362 | - | = |
365 | w | x |
368 | + | ; |
371 | , | < |
374 | . | > |
377 | / | ? |
386 | 0 | @ |
389 | 8 | H |
392 | Y | k |
395 | Z | l |
WWO_code | symbol_(day) | symbol_(night) |
113 | ! | ( |
116 | “ | I |
119 | # | L |
122 | $ | J |
143 | & | _ |
176 | ) | 9 |
179 | + | ; |
182 | – | = |
185 | Q | c |
200 | 0 | @ |
227 | U | g |
230 | V | h |
248 | ‘ | ` |
260 | O | a |
263 | P | b |
266 | P | b |
281 | Q | c |
284 | s | t |
293 | ) | 9 |
296 | 1 | A |
299 | ) | 9 |
302 | 1 | A |
305 | * | : |
308 | 2 | B |
311 | R | d |
314 | R | d |
317 | 5 | E |
320 | 5 | E |
323 | + | ; |
326 | 3 | C |
329 | + | ; |
332 | 3 | C |
335 | , | ; |
338 | 4 | D |
350 | 6 | F |
353 | ) | 9 |
356 | * | : |
359 | u | v |
362 | – | = |
365 | w | x |
368 | + | ; |
371 | , | < |
374 | . | > |
377 | / | ? |
386 | 0 | @ |
389 | 8 | H |
392 | Y | k |
395 | Z | l |