92 weather conditions
Animating GIFs, plus PNG image sequences
Price : €40
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Realistic weather effects including animated rain, snow, hail, lightning, sleet, drizzle and many, many more. This set includes pre-made animating GIFs, plus all the original image sequences in lossless PNG format allowing you to resize and rebuild your own animations to suit your own requirements.
92 realistic weather icons. Seamless looping animations.
Royalty free for personal and commercial use
Designed by former BBC Weather Centre Graphic Designer Mike Afford originally as an alternative for those wanting to use the old BBC outlook icons without the worry of potential copyright infringement. This set has now been completely rebuilt to include 40 new weather conditions to complement all major weather data suppliers.

Completely re-designed from scratch, but still featuring real clouds throughout (the original BBC weather icons use British clouds, this time they’re Irish). This ‘realistic’ weather pack has recently been extended to 92 icons.
New additions include ‘hot’, ‘cold’, ‘windy’, thunderstorms with snow, and hail, tornado, smoke, dust/sand, volcanic ash, and many many more (full list below). You can also re-map these icons to match the World Weather Online weather condition codes and many other data suppliers (See ‘Weather Condition Codes’ on the right).
All of the major precipitation types are animated using seamless loops so they run indefinitely without any noticible join. The animations have been carefully optimised to get each loop as short as possible while still maintaining a smooth flow of animation. Most loops are either one or two seconds long, with some loops as short as 10 frames. 7 of the 92 icons are single frames – most of these are the stationary (i.e. ‘non-windy’) cloud backgrounds. A full list with the number of frames in each loop is listed below, and included with the download.
The first frame of each animation has also been used to create a separate ‘static’ icon set (RE-02, available separately here). The image below shows a (static) preview of all 92 icons at a reduced size. The icons are all supplied at 128×128 pixels.
In this pack you get a single zipped file containing the complete set of 92 weather icons. Each icon comes in a named folder containing an image sequence of individual lossless PNG images, each at 128×128 pixels. Each icon also comes supplied in GIF format, and is set to loop indefinitely when animated. The frame rate is set at 30fps, but you are free to remake your own GIFs from the original image sequences at different frame rates, or with different compression, if you need to.
Weather Icon Set RE-03 : Product details
Formats : GIF (92 icons), PNG image sequences (92 icons, images in sequence vary from 1 to 60 frames – see list below)
Background : opaque
Dimensions : 128×128 pixels
Weather icons: 1. sunny, 2. sunny intervals, 3. white cloud, 4. black low cloud, 5. hazy sun, 6. mist, 7. fog, 8. clear sky (night), 9. light rain showers, 10. heavy rain showers, 11. light snow showers, 12. heavy snow showers, 13. sleet showers, 14. light hail showers, 15. heavy hail showers, 16. thundery showers, 17. cloudy with light rain, 18. cloudy with heavy rain, 19. cloudy with light snow, 20. cloudy with heavy snow, 21. cloudy with sleet, 22. cloudy with light hail, 23. cloudy with heavy hail, 24. thunderstorms, 25. light rain showers (night), 26. heavy rain showers (night), 27. light snow showers (night), 28. heavy snow showers (night), 29. sleet showers (night), 30. light hail showers (night), 31. heavy hail showers (night), 32. thundery showers (night), 33. cloudy with light rain (night), 34. cloudy with heavy rain (night), 35. cloudy with light snow (night), 36. cloudy with heavy snow (night), 37. cloudy with sleet (night), 38. cloudy with light hail (night), 39. cloudy with heavy hail (night), 40. thunderstorms (night), 41. partly cloudy (night), 42. cloudy (night), 43. mostly cloudy, 44. mostly cloudy (night), 45. hot, 46. cold, 47. freezing fog, 48. drizzle, 49. freezing drizzle, 50. freezing rain, 51. extreme rain, 52. extreme snow, 53. blowing snow, 54. blizzard, 55. smoke, 56. dust / sand, 57. thundery snow showers, 58. thunderstorms with snow, 59. thunderstorms with hail, 60. windy, 61. hot (night), 62. cold (night), 63. mist (night), 64. fog (night), 65. freezing fog (night), 66. drizzle (night), 67. freezing drizzle (night), 68. freezing rain (night), 69. extreme rain (night), 70. extreme snow (night), 71. blowing snow (night), 72. blizzard (night), 73. smoke (night), 74. dust / sand (night), 75. thundery snow showers (night), 76. thunderstorms with snow (night), 77. thunderstorms with hail (night), 78. windy (night), 79. tornado, 80. tropical storm / hurricane, 81. heavy drizzle, 82. heavy drizzle (night), 83. heavy freezing drizzle, 84. heavy freezing drizzle (night), 85. extreme rain showers, 86. extreme rain showers (night), 87. heavy sleet showers, 88. heavy sleet showers (night), 89. heavy sleet, 90. heavy sleet (night), 91. volcanic ash, 999. null/unknown
Icons & number of frames in each animation:
1. sunny 30
2. sunny spells 30
3. white cloud 1*
4. black low cloud 1*
5. hazy sun 30
6. mist 60
7. fog 60
8. clear sky (night) 1*
9. light rain showers 10
10. heavy rain showers 10
11. light snow showers 60
12. heavy snow showers 60
13. sleet showers 60
14. light hail showers 10
15. heavy hail showers 10
16. thundery showers 60
17. cloudy with light rain 10
18. cloudy with heavy rain 10
19. cloudy with light snow 60
20. cloudy with heavy snow 60
21. cloudy with sleet 60
22. cloudy with light hail 10
23. cloudy with heavy hail 10
24. thunderstorms 60
25. light rain showers (night) 10
26. heavy rain showers (night) 10
27. light snow showers (night) 60
28. heavy snow showers (night) 60
29. sleet showers (night) 60
30. light hail showers (night) 10
31. heavy hail showers (night) 10
32. thundery showers (night) (night) 60
33. cloudy with light rain (night) 10
34. cloudy with heavy rain (night) 10
35. cloudy with light snow (night) 60
36. cloudy with heavy snow (night) 60
37. cloudy with sleet (night) 60
38. cloudy with light hail (night) 10
39. cloudy with heavy hail (night) 10
40. thunderstorms (night) 60
41. partly cloudy (night) 1*
42. cloudy (night) 1*
43. mostly cloudy 1*
44. mostly cloudy (night) 1*
45. hot 60
46. cold 60
47. freezing fog 60
48. drizzle 30
49. freezing drizzle 30
50. freezing rain 10
51. extreme rain 10
52. extreme snow 60
53. blowing snow 60
54. blizzard 60
55. smoke 30
56. dust / sand 30
57. thundery snow showers 60
58. thunderstorms with snow 60
59. thunderstorms with hail 60
60. windy 30
61. hot (night) 60
62. cold (night) 60
63. mist (night) 60
64. fog (night) 60
65. freezing fog (night) 60
66. drizzle (night) 30
67. freezing drizzle (night) 30
68. freezing rain (night) 10
69. extreme rain (night) 10
70. extreme snow (night) 60
71. blowing snow (night) 60
72. blizzard (night) 60
73. smoke (night) 30
74. dust / sand (night) 30
75. thundery snow showers (night) 60
76. thunderstorms with snow (night) 60
77. thunderstorms with hail (night) 60
78. windy (night) 30
79. tornado 60
80. tropical storm / hurricane 30
81. heavy drizzle 30
82. heavy drizzle (night) 30
83. heavy freezing drizzle 30
84. heavy freezing drizzle (night) 30
85. extreme rain showers 10
86. extreme rain showers (night) 60
87. heavy sleet showers 60
88. heavy sleet showers (night) 60
89. heavy sleet 60
90. heavy sleet (night) 60
91. volcanic ash 30
999. null/unknown 60
* single frame only (not animating)