Yahoo! Weather Icons

Posted by Mike

I’ve just added another weather icon look-up table which maps the Yahoo! Weather API codes to my own weather icon sets which you can download now from my store. I have made a number of different icon packs, using my own codes which can easily be mapped to a number of different Weather Data providers. This latest lookup table maps the 48 Yahoo! Weather conditions (plus ‘3200’ for ‘not available’) to the most appropriate condition/symbol from my 92-icon packs.

replacement icons for Yahoo Weather icons

I have included ‘DAY’ and ‘NIGHT’ icons for each condition code, except codes 27-34 which already include ‘day’ or ‘night’ (or ‘sunny’) as part of the actual condition description.

You can find all of the weather symbol look-up tables on the store page, listed under the title ‘Weather Condition Codes’. Weather data that you can map to my symbol sets include World Weather Online, Weather Underground, Open Weather Map, and the UK Met Office.

And now Yahoo! Weather is added to the list!


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