Titles and content sequences for The All New Adventures of Flannel Alan – a brand new reboot of the original ‘Flannel Alan’ children’s TV show.
The characters from the original series have been completely redesigned and updated, and most of the show is now 3D animation instead of live action and puppetry.
The graphics were made using Cinema 4D for the 3D bits, and composited in After Effects.
Episode 1 re-tells Flannel Alan’s origin story, and introduces brand new adversaries in the form of the fiendish alien Dino-flyers and Robo-gators. Alan’s bath is now able to fly, so a lot of the action takes place in space. The starfield for the space scenes uses the Trapcode Horizon plugin from Red Giant Software.
The original series was famously cancelled by BBC boss Todd Otterback, despite protests from certain disgruntled six-year olds.
(left) 'New' Flannel Alan comes under attack in his space-bath. (right) The original Flannel Alan
Boo Hiss! I have happy memories of the original Flannel Alan and was over joyed when I heard it was coming back, instead it's a travesty. First "Pinky and Perky" and now this! Please BBC stop messing with our memories…..I love monkeys.
I'm sorry you feel that way Sean – I was also a big fan of the original Flannel Alan, and I must admit I did have mixed feelings when we were asked to 'reboot' such an iconic character. I was also particularly mindful of the millions of loyal viewers such as yourself and how they might react to our 're-imagining'.
But Todd Otterback was very clear about the direction he wanted Alan to take.
And the budget was frankly obscene.
I'm very very cross too. What was wrong with the slightly-frayed screaching flannel on plastic chop-sticks?!? This is progress for progress' sake. You have flannel blood on your hands Afford! Flannel blood!
One word: Shocked and appalled (sorry, that's 3 isn't it? The stress has made me lose my ability to count effectively).
I now have sobbing children, refusing to bathe this evening incase Alan makes their bath tub fly into space. Tomorrow I will have tired, smelly angry children … 3 of them!!
I suggest, Mr Otterback, that you may wish to pay a visit and placate these children (whilst I prepare you a nice cup of tea and a macaroon) and perhaps bring them some bath toys to encourage them back in afforementiond tub.
Okay "Afford", if that is your real name – what planet to you get off on playing God with my childhood memories? Why don't you just rub out morph or animate Rhubarb and Custard proffessionally? Why don't you come round my house and dance on the memories of the graves of my granparents?! You'd have to kill them first, but I wouldn't put that past you, if someone was waving the yankie dollar in your turn-coat face. You aught to be ashamed in your sleep.
L Howard.
It's true, I'm often ashamed in my sleep.
I was bitterly disappointed to see that the reboot of Flannel Alan wasn't a patch on it's former self. I've been looking forward to it since the former series of Flannel Alan ended, but I will not be watching it again, at least not until it's been restored to it's former glory! It's ruining my one and only childhood! Pull yourself together BBC!!!
I think the new series is great Mike. Particularly the very brave decision to replace the random high-pitched screeching with properly thought-through dialogue. Don't get me wrong, I think more could have been changed, like getting rid of the flannel, andthe bath, but I can wait for those to go. I can wait a long time.
Good work. Now can you have a crack at the presenters of Top Gear please.
I like the new Flannel Allen. It has lasers. Lasers are cool!
reboots are terrible! flannel alan Original is great, boo! the CGI spacey one! go back to the original now the puppety type flannel alan + 1 way you could make it better is to give him a girl friend like "tabatha tea towel" or something.
Flannel Alan was always so much better in the old days, when a Marathon was still a chocolate confectionary and not an excuse to run 26 miles, when you could easily catch the bus.
Personally I think its political correctness gone mad and I wouldn’t be surprised if soon, we will see Flannel Alan, being totally replaced by Non-allergic hand sanitising lotion Stan. The bath will of course be replaced by some sort of shower cubical…..mark my words.
I bet they bring in a side kick, such as “Hand drier Harry” to try and keep up the viewing figures but it’s a lost cause.
I agree with L Howard… the new Flannel isn't as good.
I think you may have a point Noah.
By the way – NEMNEWS is much better than BBC News!
i love flannel alan!
Todd Otterback is so cruel!!!!!!