I’ve updated some of my weather icons to include vector versions as well as the regular PNG images. These new sets now include an SVG file for every weather condition (as many as 92 in some cases). Check out the image below showing one of the sets which has been updated with SVG weather icons.
I had previously bundled some sets with either Adobe Illustrator files, or occasionally Photoshop documents with ‘smart vector object’ layers, but the advantage of the SVG format is that it’s supported (to some extent at least ) by all major web browsers – I’ve tested embedded SVG markup and it seems to work beautifully in Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Opera. As a test, I’ve embedded the code for one of the symbols below this line so you should be able to see one of my new SVG weather icons in all its sharp and infinitely scalable glory .
If you can’t see a rain showers icon above this line then I’d really appreciate if you could drop me a line and let me know what browser you’re using, but fingers crossed it should be OK.
And of course the other advantage of the SVG format is that it can be opened in Illustrator in any case – I’ve checked in Illustrator CS6 and the icons load in just fine with all the layer names intact and everything as it should be.
See the full list and download royalty free weather symbols over at the Mike Afford Media Store.