I’ve just added another weather icon look-up table to my weather icon store. This one maps my own 92-icon sets to the weather condition codes for the National Weather Service from the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration).
The lookup table comes as a text file with tabbed entries for the NOAA Icon name, weather condition description, and the corresponding numbered icon from my sets.I’ve pasted the main part of the look-up table below, but there are also extensive notes included which explains a few additional options, plus all of the ‘extra’ weather types currently bundled into one icon on the NOAA site for which I have a more appropriate icon available.
NOAA_Icon_name Description MAm_Icon
skc Clear Sky wsymbol_0001_sunny
nskc Night Clear Sky wsymbol_0008_clear_sky_night
few Few Clouds wsymbol_0002_sunny_intervals
nfew Night Few Clouds wsymbol_0041_partly_cloudy_night
sct Scattered Cloud wsymbol_0002_sunny_intervals
nsct Night Scattered Cloud wsymbol_0041_partly_cloudy_night
bkn Broken Cloud wsymbol_0043_mostly_cloudy
nbkn Night Broken Cloud wsymbol_0044_mostly_cloudy_night
ovc Overcast wsymbol_0004_black_low_cloud
novc Night Overcast wsymbol_0042_cloudy_night
fg Fog wsymbol_0007_fog
nfg Night Fog wsymbol_0064_fog_night
mist Mist wsymbol_0006_mist
smoke Smoke wsymbol_0055_smoke
du Dust wsymbol_0056_dust_sand
shra Rain Showers wsymbol_0010_heavy_rain_showers
hi_shwrs Showers in Vicinity wsymbol_0010_heavy_rain_showers
ra1 Light Rain wsymbol_0017_cloudy_with_light_rain
nra Night Light Rain wsymbol_0033_cloudy_with_light_rain_night
ra Rain wsymbol_0018_cloudy_with_heavy_rain
nra Night Rain wsymbol_0034_cloudy_with_heavy_rain_night
fzra Freezing Rain wsymbol_0050_freezing_rain
fzrara Freezing Rain Rain wsymbol_0050_freezing_rain
sn Snow wsymbol_0020_cloudy_with_heavy_snow
nsn Night Snow wsymbol_0036_cloudy_with_heavy_snow_night
blz Blizzard wsymbol_0054_blizzard
ip Ice Pellets wsymbol_0023_cloudy_with_heavy_hail
mix Freezing Rain Snow wsymbol_0089_heavy_sleet
nmix Night Freezing Rain Snow wsymbol_0090_heavy_sleet_night
raip Rain Ice Pellets wsymbol_0022_cloudy_with_light_hail
nraip Night Rain Ice Pellets wsymbol_0038_cloudy_with_light_hail_night
rasn Rain Snow wsymbol_0021_cloudy_with_sleet
nrasn Night Rain Snow wsymbol_0037_cloudy_with_sleet_night
tsra Thunderstorm wsymbol_0024_thunderstorms
ntsra Night Thunderstorm wsymbol_0040_thunderstorms_night
hi_tsra Thunderstorm in Vicinity wsymbol_0024_thunderstorms
hi_ntsra Night Thunderstorm in Vicinity wsymbol_0040_thunderstorms_night
scttsra Partly Cloudy Thunderstorm wsymbol_0016_thundery_showers
nscttsra Night Partly Cloudy Thunderstorm wsymbol_0032_thundery_showers_night
wind Windy wsymbol_0060_windy
nwind Night Windy wsymbol_0078_windy_night
nsvrtsra Funnel Cloud wsymbol_0079_tornado
You can find all of the weather symbol look-up tables on the store page, listed under the title ‘Weather Condition Codes’. Weather data that you can map to my symbol sets include World Weather Online, Weather Underground, Open Weather Map, Forecast.io, the UK Met Office and Yahoo! Weather.
And now the National Weather Service (NOAA) is added to the list!