UPDATE (February 2019): I just noticed this post is rather out of date now. Since I originally wrote this, ‘Window on the Weather’ has been discontinued, and Weather icon Set RE-01 has been replaced by a brand new set of Realistic Weather Icons. I’ve removed all the old links, except those that point to the latest version.
This is the latest version (RE-02):
92 weather conditions
PNG format (128×128 pixels)
Price : €20
Add to cart
There is now also an animated version, where every weather icon is supplied in animated GIF format (you also get each one as a PNG image sequence!). And more recently we added the complete original artwork for each animation at its original size (full HD 1920×1080 pixels) as image sequences in lossless PNG format. You can see a small (static) preview of all the different weather icons in the image below.
UPDATE (July 2013):
Since writing this the ‘Window on the Weather’ set has been discontinued, and some of the other icon sets have been renamed and updated. Symbol Set 6 is now Weather Icon Set RE-01 and now comes as a complete set including FOUR different sizes of every image. I’ve also replaced the preview image in the original post below to reflect the new name.
Original Post (September 2011):
I recently had a request for a special version of the ‘Window on the Weather’ icon set – basically the whole set, but without the window frame, and at a larger size. So it made sense to adapt the original artwork for Set 4 to produce a brand new weather collection (Set 6!).
Weather Symbol Set 6 comes as a full set of 42 icons, plus 10 bonus alternative icons (more on that later).
They are saved as PNG images at two sizes. Firstly there’s a set at 64×64 pixels which makes them useable from the word go. But for the first time I’ve also included a complete set at the original size (512×512 pixels) – these can be used as backgrounds, or scaled down to whatever size might be needed.
They cover the usual types of weather, and I’ve also included 10 alternate ‘night-time’ symbols without the crescent moon showing, just in case these need to be used in conjunction with real moon-phase data.
Incidentally, the clouds featured in this set are 100% Irish! (The clouds that I used for the original BBC Weather icons when I was working back in London at the Weather Centre were from photos I took in Surrey..)
Anyway. These new weather icons are available to download now. Enjoy!