I’ve have made a few tweaks to the default WordPress theme – and well, it’s nearly there – as (hopefully) you can see from this page. I haven’t checked the layout integrity in many different browsers, and I expect there will be some strange things happening on sub-pages to this blog (for example – if any comments come in). And I’m also not sure what will happen if I start adding or editing widgets – but hey, it was my first effort and I think it has matched up with my main site design pretty well. There’s still plenty still to do – fiddle with the look of some of the links (particularly RSS related bits) and I haven’t really set up the sidebar yet. And also I haven’t updated my main website to include links to this blog (!), but the main site is in the process of being overhauled/optimised, so it should happen soon enough. But in the meantime, be advised that if you click any of the navigation links at the top of this page, you’ll be away from the blog for good…
I made a few notes as I was tinkering with the CSS and PHP files – I will post at some point with a breakdown of what I did. But probably not today – it is the weekend after all.
I will also write a post soon on the excellent training day I had at the splendid Leitrim Enterprise Board presented by the equally excellent Johnny Beirne
But I think I’m needed right now for shopping duties…
Heres some info on extending the abilities of wordpress through the use of Plugins – http://www.reverbstudios.ie/blog/excellent-free-wordpress-plugins/
Hi Mike,
Glad you enjoyed the course and I really like this blog.