Here’s the recently completed promotional video for the MxV1 – a revolutionary putter with a curved surface that matches the diameter of the golf ball ensuring a perfect hit each time.
The MxV1 Putter is based on the principals of Newton’s Cradle (MxV = mass x velocity = momentum).
“The radius of our putter face is exactly that of a standard US Golf Ball (1.68 inches) and even with a minor tolerance we have found more accurate strikes and optimal roll” says Brian Wittman (inventor of the MxV1) “By essentially striking a ball with another ball, you almost can’t miss the center of gravity.
The 3D animation for this video was all done in Cinema 4D using a supplied Solidworks model of the putter head converted to .fbx using Rhino3D.
The editing and post production is all in After Effects with, among others, Trapcode Particular and Magic Bullet Looks 2.0.
The soundtrack is all built using Pro Scores from