Pebble weather watch face
I’m always interested to see my weather icons being used for applications out there in the real world, so I was pleased when Jon Barlow (@orviwan) got in touch about his weather watch face for the Pebble smartwatch.
Pebble famously raised $4.7 million on Kickstarter with 30 days left to go, eventually becoming one of the most highly crowdfunded projects to date.
The smartwatch can communicate with Android and iOS devices via Bluetooth and there is a growing community of developers producing custom apps and alternative watch faces.
Jon’s Chunk-Weather face uses Yahoo weather data and a special one-bit conversion of selected icons from one of my single colour weather icon sets. I have been adding various mapping tables over the past couple of weeks and hope to be adding a Yahoo version soon so that anyone can use my icons with Yahoo weather data just like Jon has with his Pebble weather face.
Full source for Chunk-Weather is available on GitHub with a related forum post here. Some of the images on the forum feature an earlier version of the watch face using the ubiquitous Climacons (or Meteocons, I forget which), but the latest version uses my icons.
The complete (original high resolution) set of single colour weather icons (in PNG and vector format) can be downloaded from my store.
UPDATE (February 2019):
Looks like Pebble went under.
Wikipedia says “On December 7, 2016, Pebble officially announced that the company would be shut down and would no longer manufacture or continue support for any devices, nor honor any existing warranties”